Your store is broken down into categories to sell products from. For example, Glass Bead Sets,...
Add A Product To A CategoryTo add a product to one of your store categories, go to Website and click Pages in the...
Add A Subcategory to a CategoryYou may want to break down categories into subcategories to sell items on your site. For example,...
Add Product Attributes (Options)Product options are used to note colors, sizes, styles or other choices for a particular product....
Change Product LayoutYou can choose a layout for the products in any given category, if you want it to be different...
Change the order categories appear on your siteIf you wish to change the order in which the links appear in your navigation on your site, use...
Creating Additional Product AttributesIf you need more options for your product such as size and color etc., you can add more than the...
Default Items & What They Are ForDefault items are used when adding items to your catalog, to expedite entry. This comes in handy...
Displaying featured, new or random products on your home pageOn your home page (and catalog page), you can show product categories or a few products by...
Displaying more featured products on your main pageOn the home page, the featured item list that is selected in the 'Show Products' field only shows...
Product Attributes DefinedDrop Down - allows you to select one option from a drop down list by clicking on it it...
Set Or Delete Sale Prices On Multiple Items At OnceTo set sales prices on more than one item at a time, you would need to set them globally one...
Set Up And Show Featured Products On Your Main PageThere are a few ways to show Featured Itemson your main page. One way would be through a featured...
Set Your Site To Vacation Or Under ConstructionModeIf you are going on vacation or need to do a little "behind the scenes" fixing, you can post a...
Special Characters And Product TitlesSpecial characters in the product titles do not work. Dashes, parenthesis, brackets, colons, semi...
Update All Out Of Stock Items At OnceThis will tell you how to see and edit all out of stock items at once rather than searching and...
Viewing Items In A Category & Arranging Category OrderCategory Order: To change the order of a category in the navigation area, use the handle just to...