How to access CPanel

Type in your website URL and add "/cpanel" to the end - Example: OR Log into your client area click on services click my services click on Active click on log into cpanel ( no username or password needed ) to view username and password at the top of that same page you are on.
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Glossary of terms for AWSats

Awstats Glossary Unique VisitorA unique visitor is a host that has made at least 1 hit on 1...

How to ban an IP address

This is how you would ban an IP from your site. Login to your Control Panel. (Cpanel) Click...

Check stats for your website

You can check site stats by logging into your Cpanel and clicking on Stats then Awstats.

Your Home Directory on Pappashop's server - Introduction

Introduction You will notice 5 directories upon first glance of your home directory: public_ftp...