Will my site be mobile friendly?

Absolutely! All you need is a mobile responsive template that is compatible with PappaShop and your site will be mobile friendly! The site builder comes with several mobile responsive templates pre-installed. 
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Seotud artiklid

What payment methods do you accept for hosting and is my information secure?

Currently we accept Credit Card (Mastercard, Visa or Discover), bank debit card or Paypal debit...

Does it cost anything extra if I use a credit card merchant account?

If you can process credit cards manually through a merchant account's virtual terminal then there...

I want to host with PappaShop. What are the costs and what do I need?

You will need a domain name which you can purchase right here at PappaShop. Domains are $11.99...

How long does it take to receive my login info?

Each hosting account is manually set up and configured by our New Accounts department. We...

I don't need a shopping cart. Can I still use the Site Builder for managing my site?

You don't have to use the shopping cart part of our site builder. If you simply want a way to...