Will my site be mobile friendly?

Absolutely! All you need is a mobile responsive template that is compatible with PappaShop and your site will be mobile friendly! The site builder comes with several mobile responsive templates pre-installed. 
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What payment methods do you accept for hosting and is my information secure?

Currently we accept Credit Card (Mastercard, Visa or Discover), bank debit card or Paypal debit...

Does PappaShop charge any setup, sales or transaction fees?

No, we do not. Unlike Ebay, Etsy and other sites that bring you targeted traffic, we do not...

What do you mean by no HTML knowledge required?

We say No HTML Knowledge Required meaning that you do not need to know html in order to maintain...

Who controls my domain name if I host with PappaShop?

You are always in control of your domain name. You will be responsible for renewing it,...

How does the 30 Day Money Back Guarantee work?

If you cancel hosting within the first 30 days of service, we will refund your hosting fees....