Will my site be mobile friendly?

Absolutely! All you need is a mobile responsive template that is compatible with PappaShop and your site will be mobile friendly! The site builder comes with several mobile responsive templates pre-installed. 
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Kapcsolódó cikkek

Does PappaShop charge any setup, sales or transaction fees?

No, we do not. Unlike Ebay, Etsy and other sites that bring you targeted traffic, we do not...

Does PappaShop set up my Mals-e cart or do I need to do that?

We will set up your shopping cart for you. We know our way around Mals and can have things set up...

Is your Site Builder compatible with a Mac?

Yes, but not with Mac's Safari browser. You would need to use either Oprea, Firefox, Chrome,...

What makes PappaShop the best choice for hosting?

There are several reasons to choose PappaShop! Reliability: We have been around for many years...

I am outside the US. Can I still host with PappaShop?

Absolutely! PappaShop site builder and Mals-e cart support other countries.